PA-DE ASLA Addresses Residential Stormwater Management at PA Policy Forum
On December 13 in Upper Providence Township, Southeastern Pennsylvania, landscape architecture was well represented as a profession and a valuable source of subject matter experts during a Pennsylvania House of Representatives Democratic Policy Committee Forum on residential stormwater management.
At the invitation of the forum’s host, Rep. Melissa Shusterman (D-157), and on behalf of PA-DE ASLA, Trustee Adam Supplee, RLA, ASLA, AICP, LEED AP addressed legislators and members of the public regarding the impacts of stormwater and climate change on homeowners. In addition to a registered landscape architect (Supplee), legislators also heard testimony from a global warming solutions campaign associate, a local resident task force on stormwater, and a panel of local township officials.
Among other details, PA-DE ASLA’s testimony addressed stormwater metrics, the importance of conservation and revitalization of woodlands, wetlands, and meadows, the importance and benefit of green stormwater infrastructure, what homeowners can do to evaluate and mitigate stormwater on their properties, and available background information and resources available through ASLA.
Thoughtful and productive dialogue between Supplee, legislators, and members of the public followed the prepared testimony, demonstrating the value of landscape architects and landscape architecture in the public and legislative conversation about the “new” and urgent environmental conditions experienced in Pennsylvania, the United States, and across the globe.
PA-DE ASLA continues to work to bring the practice and profession of landscape architecture to the attention of Pennsylvania and Delaware lawmakers and to demonstrate the value of our perspective in ongoing conversations around environmental challenges, conservation and revitalization, green infrastructure, and more. Watch for more information and opportunities to help spread the word.